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Easily accessible electronic signature on the go for your clients. colleagues. partners.

Sign documents on the mobile and web with legally binding electronic signature.

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Start using electronic signature in your organization for document signing.

We offer different types of electronic signature based on your needs.

Qualified Electronic Signature
We support completely legally binding electronic signatures in both eIDAS and ZertES standards.
Advanced Electronic Signature
Do you need a simple solution to sign documents easily and securely? Advanced signature is for you.
Simple Electronic Signature
A lightweight signature solution for quick and easy electronic signature.

What can you use electronic signature for?

Sign documents with clients
Sign documents with your partners
Sign documents inside your organization
Multi-Signature Support
We support multiple signatures, for co-signing, or for more complex internal signing rules
Sign from anywhere
You can sign documents on both mobile and web.
Instant Verification
Instantly verify the validity of signatures made through SecuChat.

Qualified electronic signature in SecuChat together with CrontoSign Swiss.

The details that matter

Secure and Compliant
We understand that data security is a must. All our software has been audited by leading cyber security firms and comply with all requirements set forth by the Swiss financial services regulators.
Third Party Integrations
Our open API, is structured to easily integrate third party applications, chatbots, CRM's and archiving solutions, all while maintaining the highest degree of security.
Industry focused
We know the financial services industry and will help you navigate the landscape, and stay ahead of regulations.

Additional Use Cases

Explore different use cases